Love is love. No matter who you are, you should be given the opportunity to bind yourself emotionally and legally to the person you love most in the world. Did you grow up dreaming of what your wedding would be like or did you ponder on who you would grow up to marry? There should be to distinction between the a straight couple becoming legally wed and a gay couple wanting to do the same. We are all humans, all capable of loving and being loved by others, we should all be given the same marriage laws.
Some people have agrued with me in the past, saying that if we legalize same-sex marriages we would be opening pandora's box per se. They point out that after same-sex marriages would come the battle to legalize beastiality. I'd like to say that there are huge differences sbetween being married to someone [of the same sex] and trying to marry your pet pig. First and foremost, there's the blatant fact that marrying someone, even of the same sex, is still a matrimony between two HUMAN BEINGS whereas there's distinctly one human and one animal involved in the other. Different chromosomal count between animals and humans. There's also the fact that, during the wedding cerimony, when it would come to the vows and "I do"s, the animal would be at a definite loss for words.
Same-sex marriages also allow couples the opportunities and benefits that married couples should have. It shouldn't matter that the couples are of the same gender! Joint ownership of property and other legal upsides to being legally married should be available to everyone. EVERYONE. There's also the ability to choose to have only one last name -- so much easier when dealing with children later down the road; the hyphens just aren't a lot of fun sometimes.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." As quoted in Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, we are ALL CREATED EQUAL and have right in the pursuit of Happiness. Banning same-sex marriage is in direct conflict with allowing people of America to pursue their happiness.
You don't have to like people in same-sex relationships, no one is asking you to, but you should allow people to live happily. I assure you, it won't be harming anyone. So please, vote No on Prop 8.
xx ~ Ria.
Labels: no on prop 8, oct 29th, same-sex marriage, write to marry day
! you dont know the real me.